Small Ngoni Kamale Style Harp 10 String


This West African Style Harp has a Great Voice! Easy to hold and play!


Small Ngoni Style Harp dimensions: 35″ x 10″ x 9″. An West African Ivory Coast Goat Skin is stretched over the opening of a Gourd that has been cut as a bowl. The Skin is adhered with Upholstery Tacks. The Stem is beautiful Black Walnut with Ebony Viola tuning pegs. The Bridge is Peruvian Walnut and the Bridge Foot is Spanish Cedar. A piece of Willow branch functions to hold the Bridge stabilizing Nylon Rope. The Strings are varying gauges of Musical Nylon. The tuning mechanism of the Viola Pegs (with a little “peg dope”) fitting into the holes with the precise same taper as the pegs makes tuning to various tunings viable. The holding arms are pieces of Reed similar to Bamboo. The voice is vibrant and sweet!