Limba/Mbila – Ilimba Drum


Sometimes called “Ilimba Drum”, Limba/Mbila are traditional ceremonial instruments originating in Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique.

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Dimensions: 13″ tall x 8″ wide x 22″ long. Somtimes called “Ilimba Drum”, Limba/Mbila are traditional ceremonial instruments originating in Congo, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia and Mozambique. This Limba has a Mahogany Key with the note B#, strapped with cow leather. The Gourd resonating vessel is secured to the painted Basswood frame with Ivory Coast Goat Skin. The suspension support posts are Black Walnut. The sound is brilliant, sweet and loud! The Mallets are village made in Ghana and can produce different sounds hitting different spots on the Key.


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