Now here's me tooting your horn:
I've become an avid collector of Greg Trimble's amazing kalimba creations, having purchased something like seven so far. Once family and friends play them, it's a cinch you'll buying them as gifts, as I've done. Greg's "organic" kalimbas just resonate with something inside people and are so uplifting to experience. They're delightfully calming and soothing to the spirit. I love that Greg creates such a wide variety of artistic, unique styles to choose from, too. I'm enjoying the large resonate round gourd with "sizzling" Happy Camper beer bottle caps. The little beaded boxes and the smiling Dia del los Muertos embellished face gourds are handy travelers and great unwind with on breaks at the office. Each has a unique voice~ all are wonderful to play and incredible to hold and hear. Happily, my collections just keeps growing and growing!
Thank you Greg, I love my little family!